Saturday, 23 October 2010

Analysing The Talk Show Genre

As mentioned before we have decided to do a talk show based them for our Soap Opera trailer. For this I have decided to do some extra research about the talk show genre fro shows such as ;The Jeremy Kyle Show' and 'The Jerry Springer Show'. I have analysed two clips each for these shows and have seen clear distinctions between the two. One main reason for this I think is that The Jerry Springer Show is American which like to have over dramatic themes in their shows and The Jeremy Kyle Show is British which like their shows calmer and more realistic.

The Jerry Springer Show
1) Shows opening sequence:

2) Clip of The Jerry Springer Show:

Starting from from clip one which is the opening sequence there is already an establishment of brand identity by having a warning at the beginning telling the audience that their show is for adults only. The word 'warning' is in a thick bold red which is used to put emphasis on the danger element of the show. After this we are greeted by what appears to be a trailer which is not normally shown on the beginning of The Jerry Springer Show, nut this is an exception as it is the first episode of the new nineteenth season. This part is in a comercial format which will be able to give us a good impression on what we may want our Soap Opera trailer to be like. The narrator explains a few of the stories such as two people wanting to marry the same women. this clip mainly contains all the most dramatic scenes such as a man rising up with his arms in the air and this clip also gives off their brand identity as  having over exaggerated violence with people jumping on each other, beating each other with flowers and censoring out random parts of the body to incinuate that a person is being inapropriate (e.g. Censoring out chest to incinuate that their nipples have become exposed although this may not be the case).
After this commercial like sequence there is a pan long shot on the audience to create their prescence which then goes onto Jerry's overdramatic entrance by entering from the roof. The audience being an establishing shot is also used in The Jeremy Kyle Show as I will compare when I have analysed both of the shows. Jerry will then explain what their topic is for today. The non-diegetic background music has a rock theme to it to give the show a feeling of intensity to yet again make the show even more dramatic.

Analysing the second clip of The Jerry Springer Show there are two motifs emphasized here, one is violence as the characters can not seem to stop themselves from jumping on each other in an almost drunken rage. The second is the emphasis on controversy. In this clip a grandmother is having a sexual relationship with her grandson. These two factors work together to yet again make their show over dramatic. On the bottom of the screen there is the Jerry Springer logo which adds to brand identity along with a brief synopsis of what the issue is so that late watch can know what is happening. There is a definate relationship between colour and brand identity as background is always a brick red which represents danger. Using a brick background and from clip one there is a brand identity that the show is similar to that of a night club as there are flashing lights coming from the roof and the walls are brick colours giving off a vibe of excitement. In this show the bouncers have a large presence as they always try to stop the violence which in most cases end up making the issue worse, but they are also there to stop the entire show to be about fighting and will leave room for talking which will lead to more violence.Another factor in the show is that the audience do not make hissing noises or are used for comedic sound effects for drama like in The Jeremy Kyle Show but are used to build drama in a different fashion, instead of sound effects they will chant Jerrys name whilts standing up and will also give insults such as 'Freak'. Along with this Jerry also insults their guests and in most shots he is shown with the audience behind him.

The Jeremy Kyle Show
1) Shows opening sequence:

1) Clip of The Jeremy Kyle Show:

In clip one which is an example of the Jeremy Kyle opening sequence. The iconic colour of The Jeremy Kyle Show is blue which is associated with calmness which their show is trying to convey. Proof of this is shown in the sequence. It starts with small scenes of the host Jeremy Kyles face talking and other small  pictures of normal people doing their ordinary activities. The non-diegetic background music is jazzy to give the audience a feeling of intelligence to the show. At the end of this sequence we see their logo which is their icon telling informing the audience that they are watching The Jeremy Kyle Show. After this the camera is set on the audience clapping with a panning mid body shots of the audience and then being greeted by Jeremy Kyle and he thanks them for his applause and welcomes the audience/viewers to the show. To convey the situation large white writing appears on the screen informing the audience of the situation.

Clip two is an example of the actual talking part of the show. Again there is the iconic calming blue background of the set. In this show there is a lot of talking and no physical violence, there are the presence of bouncers but they are not seen unless actual violence did break out. Jeremy Kyles talking is very sharp and harsh which is used to bring the interest and drama into the show. By using insults and provoking the guests Jeremy Kyle manages to bring interest rather than actually trying to talk to his guest calmly which would be considered boring on television. Another way drama is brought to The Jeremy Kyle Show is by using the audience. The audience in this show is mainly used for two things, the first being used to add amusing gasps like 'ooh' and 'ahh' which makes can be used to spur on any intense conversations or create intense conversations. The second is to put them behind Jeremy Kyle giving the impression that the entire audience is on his side which makes him seem more powerful. The last way The Jeremy Kyle Show creates drama and interest into his show is by inviting scummy and controversial guests in which he can insult. In clip 2 there is an unemployed teenager who has gotten his girlfriend pregnant whilst he has cheated on her fifteen times and has no interest in finding a job so he drinks 20 cans of beer a day. This is very controversial as their target audience in mainly social class C2, D and E which have more of a taste for tabloid newspapers which usually tend to highlight these topics. Lastly on the bottom left hand corner there is the Jeremy Kyle logo accompanied by a quick synopsis of the situation.

Comparing the Two Shows
Comparing these two shows we can see both similarities and differences between the two. Starting with differences, although they are both talk shows the entire feel of their shows that they represent to their audiences are completely different. Jerry springer focus' more on violence where as Jeremy Kyle focus' more on talking. Jerry Springer conveys the more physical intensity of his show by using a brick background and the constant presence of bouncers to hold their guests back whilst provoking them where as Jeremy Kyle uses blue to create a calm environment to try and verbally bash his guest into submission without using bouncers. Their non-diegetic background music are both different as Jerry Springer has a more rock beat and the Jeremy Kyle uses a Jazzy melody to try and create the mood. In Jerry Springer the audience are used to cheer, hiss and boo where as Jeremy Kyle makes the audience give sound effects to create his mood. Another way they both use their audience in a different way is by using the opening sequence. In Jerry Springer he comes down on a pole and near jumps into the audience using a panning long shot shaking their hands while they are chanting his name where as Jeremy Kyle gets his audience to calmly clap as panning mid shot shows them and Jeremy Kyle will simple accept their applause graciously. The last difference is that Jerry Springer has a big flashy warning message at before the show begins and Jeremy Kyle does not.

As many differences as there are between the shows there are also similarities. One similarity is that they both have their logos followed by a brief explanation at the bottom left hand side of the screen. Another similarity is that they both have their audience in the background of their shots as to convey that the audience is on their side. Scummy guests also seem to be used in both shows although Jerry Springer tends to be more controversial using themes like incest instead of topics like teenage pregnancy in the Jeremy Kyle show. The host also jabs at their guests psychologically as well although Jeremy Kyle does this more as his show is more about talking than violence unlike Jerry Springer.


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