This form of profiling was the first type of audiuience profiling developedand its purpose was to group the audince into smaller groups using variables such as age, gender, class and religion. It is based on GRASS and the socio-economic scale
G - Gender
R - Race
A - Age
SS - Socio-economic Status
Socio-Economic Scale
This determines which class you belong to based upon your job/income. There are 6 standard groups in total. As children cannot work they are classed based on their parents income.
- A - Upper Class. Thisis mainly for people who are in managerial or administrative positons or are professional such as a comapny director or a surgeon.
- B - Middle Class. This group concerns people who are middle management such as teacher and solicitors.
- C 1 - Lower Middle Class. This group concerns people who are skilled non-manual workers such as sales assistants and shop floor supervisors.
- C2 - Skilled Working Class. This group concerns people who do jobs such as plumbing or clectrical work.
- D - Lower Working Class. This group concerns people who work on assembly lines or as cleaners.
- E - Subsidance. The people in this group are genrerally unskilled, pensioners, unemployed or students.
Psychographic Profiling
This form of profiling was created by Young and Rubican. People are catergorised in terms of their personal aspirations and split into 4 categories.
- Mainstreamers - this covers approximately 40% of the market and therefore by far is the largest section of the market. Members of this group seek security in conformity and therefore tend to but into well known brands.
- Aspirers - People within this group are motivated by status. They tend to buy into smart, high tech and fshionable goods.
- Succeeders - People within this group have climbed the 'social ladder' and want to kep the control that they have.
- Reformers - People within this group want the world to be a better place. These tend to be well educated epople such as teachers or doctors. These people are more likely to buy eco-friendly products.
- CHAV - Council House And Violence
- NINJA - No Income No Job or Assets
- HEW - High Earning Worker
- VEST - Very Egotistical Stupid Twit
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