Monday, 20 December 2010

Iconic Music

We went on to to find the music for our soap opera trailer. We found serveral tracks that we liked the sound of and after careful consideration we narrowed it down to one. The track is entitled 'Night Out' on the album 'This Ain't Hollywood' by 'Silence is Sexy'.

We found a copyright free bleep to censor our trailer so that it would be suitable for daytime viewing.

Shannon, Scott

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


We have cut all of our footage and have got it into order and have added our background for the talk show set. During editing we found that our actor that played Jamie spoke a little too quiet so we have made the audio for his voice louder on Final Cut and we did the same for our audiences' chanting. We still have to add our music and censor it which we are hoping to do next lesson.

As far as the ancillary task is concerned we have cut all of our images out that we are using and started work on our magazine cover. We hope to finish this during our workshop session tonight - 14/12/2010. We will be doing the posters for our soap on Wednesday and Thursday during workshop sessions.

We have booked the editing suite for Wednesday so that we can take some photos which will feature on our magazine cover.


Friday, 10 December 2010

Ancillary Task Photo Cut Outs

When we took the photos and Scott and Shannon chose the best ones that we thought was most appropriate for the job. Scott then took the photos home and cut them out using Macromedia fireworks and put them in backgrounds to see how they look with proper backgrounds behind them. We will be using the photos without background for our poster and front magazine cover.

Here are the photos with and withuot backgrounds:
Magazine Front Cover

Scott Craig - Geoffrey

James Ashworth - Marco

Shannon Abraham - Stacey

Shannon, Scott

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Today's Green Screen Filming and Ancillary

Today we filmed Jamie Spicer who had to be replaced by and actor called Joe. We both did the camera work as Hawa was not present. We now have all the footage necessary and will be booking more workshops regularly to complete our work. We also re-shot the slap as there had been an acting error during the slap scene.

Today Scott and Shannon went out of college hours and created a a rough mock up of what we want our magazine cover to look like. This will be made to look neater during the next lesson.
Shannon, Scott

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Progress on Green Screen

First of all we could not get two of our actors in for various reasons so we will be filming the rest of our footage on Wednesday 8th December.
This meant that we could only film the scenes involving Geoffrey and Stacey. Hawa did all the camera work to film Shannon and Scott on the green screen. Playing Stacey was Shannon and playing Geoffrey was Scott.
Some of the scenes with dialogue in it and a set script ended up being slightly improvised (the fight scene) but overall it worked quite well.
We set up the lighting for the green screen together as a group
Shannon, Scott, Hawa

General Info

  • Editing Suite (Green Screen)
  • Card and Envelope
  • Chairs
  • Audience - Casual Clothes
  • Geoffrey - Trainers, Jeans, Leather Jacket
  • Marco - Trainers, Jeans, White T-Shirt and a Striped Pink over shirt.
  • Stacey - High Heeled Boots, Skinny Jeans, Scarlet Red Jumper
  • Jamie Spicer - Black Suit, White Shirt, Polished Shoes
  • Geoffrey - Scott Craig
  • Marco - James Ashworth 
  • Stacey - Shannon Abraham
  • Jamie Spicer - Joe Burton
Shannon, Scott, Hawa

Ancillary task photos

Today we booked the editing suite so that we could take photos for our ancillary task. We took photos of Geoffrey, Stacey and Marco.
We took shots in various style to emphasize that they are a gay couple. We are going to look through the pictures to use in our ancillary task.
We had our actor James, who is playing Marco, wear a pink shirt to connote homosexuality. Scott, playing Geoffrey, is wearing a leather jacket and jeans to go against the stereotype of being gay. Shannon, playing Stacey is wearing a red jumper, and jeans to connote that she is viewed as a 'scarlet woman'.
In the photos we took for our cover, Stacey is placed between Geoffrey and Marco to show that she is attempting to drive a wedge between the two as a couple and that the pregnancy is on the verge of splitting them up.
Here are a few of the photos we took:

Shannon, Scott, Hawa